Josh Gordon’s Release: An Exclusive Quote

Football absurdity’s resident sports & addiction psychologist weighs in on the shocking release of Josh Gordon.Jonathan Hart, PhD has been a psychologist for over 30 years. He was on hand to provide breaking reaction to the Browns’ release of Josh Gordon:

“Josh Gordon, in his addiction state, is too fragile for football. People don’t tend to realize this, but professional football is one of the most stressful activities for an addict. Not just the spectacle and media/crowd attention, but the fact that games are won and lost on single plays. That makes him want to drink. The pain caused by hitting and tackling, as well as past injuries, make him want to drink. This is evidenced by his avoiding the preseason, which was a smart move, but left him vulnerable to the shock of having to enter the regular season without the crutch of substance use.

Cleveland bent over way backward for him, which wasn’t the correct thing to do. Their management couldn’t give him the tough love he needed to recover. He couldn’t give himself the tough love needed to recover. Whether he ever plays football again is dependent on him finding someone who can give him the hard boundaries needed, and whether a person so accustomed to success and getting away with bending the rules can adjust to such a treatment plan. It’s possible, but I wouldn’t bet on it.”

Where will Josh Gordon turn next in his increasingly messy recovery process? Will it provide the support and limitations he apparently needs? We’re hoping, but only time will tell. Keep checking  Football Absurdity for unique insight into the mental issues surrounding Gordon’s journey.


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